this is a conversation I had with one of my friends from school on aim. I had to think really carefully about what I was saying, and I felt God pushing me towards this direction. And before I clicked the mouse I prayed. He knew I was a Christian and didn't like it. He feels… Continue reading

I finally finished my 3 page short story. It was hard to do and sorry for using the n word because i needed it for proper affected. Other then that i just used the d word in the story kids. But heres the link if your interested in reading it. I had to screw around… Continue reading

I drove to Christ Church today for sunday. I felt strange because that was the first time I went to a unfamiliar church by myself. I arrived early enough to get an alright parking spot because seats fill up fast. It was a strange feeling, like I was already in college or something. But there… Continue reading

Its been a difficult week. A lot of  papers to do. I've only allowed people that are part of xanga to index my site due to unusual access from some outsiders, hope you don't mind. google seems to lead a straight path to my site. (This kid in my class looked up his name on… Continue reading