30 days Away from Xanga

The decision was hard for me, but I think it will help me long term. I'm taking part in a 30 day fast. I'm not doing this to brag, or to push my own limits. But, I'm giving up Xanga for 30 day's. It's going to be hard. Very hard. We're suppose to give up… Continue reading 30 days Away from Xanga

A day on a plane

The truth of the matter is that we know near to nothing about the world around us. Our judgments of other are most likely slanted, incorrect and stereotypical as we attempt to dance through this life tring remembering the steps and rhythms. I'm back from the breezy city of San Francisco. I feel off-balanced like… Continue reading A day on a plane

California where we started from…

Well...not really. I've been to California  three times before. Once for my dad's inauguration for his pastoral doctoral degree, a family reunion, and to see my uncle and aunt. Now my whole family is flying from our respectable areas to meet in California for cousin's wedding. It's going to be exciting but at the same… Continue reading California where we started from…

Blank Stare

A blank but noticeable stare reveals your eyes behind your dark hair As a moment passes like another hour We wish this thought could scream louder A breath of fresh air is another token For another thought full of emotion As the beast crawls to his master We wish this would go faster Go

If I could head into this reef of destruction that would tear apart my ship into multiple pieces I would. This storms been brewing, or maybe it came out of no where. And I'm holding on for dear life, hoping for someone to come to claim this life of mine. Maybe I've been waiting for… Continue reading