will you be the vapor on my wind shield         whip it off          mind's lopsided          decisions misguided       or have our snow men already melted          because I don't want to be beautiful              but be myself           they stole away innocence             even the small imperfections             that make us smile            … Continue reading


I'm misty eyed and falling apart  and yet the child  stands there        four feet tall      eyes so small     fingering these strings     trace these lines down        through your hair        enough to tear         this air apart        enough to bear         this small part     faulty power lines        wind… Continue reading Misty

we twiddled in our of consciousness like we were rubbing our prayer beads togetherand holding our breath at the same time they say you feel like you're underwater in a world where there gravity is non-existent and the bubbles float up everything became so surreal our words became so incoherent and in a moment there… Continue reading