The philosopher's life is so utterly cold, distant, and above all lonely. When one cannot help look for reasons, examine human beings who make decisions based more on emotions than rational thought. The artist is so incredibly lonely when one's job is to constantly express a feeling or how they are feeling. Their mind distances… Continue reading

Snapshot of Heaven Lost Style

After viewing the Lost Finale (The End pt. 1 & 2) again i can't help to think about what heaven would be like for all of us. Just the thought of being reunited with those that we love and cherish the most. I see how death has separated so many people and how as we… Continue reading Snapshot of Heaven Lost Style

it's difficult to see these mountains split      what we once were is turning to dust        I wanted to light the dynamite           at least we'd be dynamic              but violence now has evaporated                 and you've been all silenced                the former climate is a distant memory               a vague unbridled tongue comes… Continue reading