Observing the small and large hands

It’s a bit strange how you feel like life should change, because it’s so boring and when it does change, you feel disorientated by it. Regardless of how you might think/ feel life continues, time continues, the never ending hour and minute hands never stop ticking. I think one of the  reasons why I’m a Christian is because humans have this whole idea of something timeless, eternal, a state when change (for the worse) doesn’t happen. There must be someone or something that is outside, beyond dreaded time that causes everything to decompose and die. We must be timeless because our minds can conceive the idea of timelessness. 

One day your life might be a comedy where you are the main character and you find yourself in the most absurd situations, wondering, “How did I get myself here stuck outside of the back door of a cafeteria?” or “Bouncing on this ginormous size red ball is probably how an ant feels when they climb on a red grape.” Time is so strange…so elusive, while the human mind can retain emotions and memories for so long in amber, time continues keep on running like the energizer bunny.

When I do get to heaven one day (assuming I do) I want to just do absolutely nothing for the first ten minutes. When people tell me to get up and weed the garden (I think it’s going to be planet earth but just w/o the pain and suffering) I’ll tell them that I’ll have the rest of eternity to do it.

Think about it for a moment, you’re aging right now, your cells are dying and producing replicas. They said that every seven years your whole body is replaced by other cells, therefore you are an entirely different person than before (I don’t think this counts brain cells).

I wish we could just pause time and say to it “wait a moment…I have to think about this…relish in this…absorb on the information before I can continue.” Time continues to trick us, mock us as we try to catch it in a bottle. We measure time in hours, minutes, seconds, and even name it. Oh an hour past by, who are we to say it should be called an hour? Maybe an hour was really two hours, and there are only twelve hours in a day.

I used to relish in the idea that I would grow older one day, now I don’t want it to happen. I used to think, “What would it be like to be a teenager, a full-grown adult? I’ll be able to buy anything I wanted, get a dog. And I see how I do want to grow up, but I don’t want to forget my innocence, the idea that I can’t control everything, even if I tried. I don’t want to forget that I can laugh, have fun, and cry when I get hurt, adults neglect these things way too much for the sake of putting up a guarded face.

Try doing something like this: right now look around you and observe all your surroundings, your current predicament in life, and your relationships. Now remember that and preserve it. I’ve done this many times, at certain moments in my life, and I can go back to that same exact feeling in the past. Then you know that truly time has past and you can think about how crazy time really is.

Have fun and see you next “time” (okay that  was cheezy).


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