Memory Open

Soon enough      We will find remnants of our thoughts          In filtered light, fleeing into shadows           We harbour our frail emotions              In libraries among dusty tomes           In a menagerie              Encaged for eternity                Loquacious volumes                    Conjured, spellbounded              Waiting to be opened, unlocked  No longer can the avalanche                      verbosity                      be contained              


Boots grinding ice crystals into powder Gregarious brook divulges to infinity Treefingers steered towards the firmament Mid-February peppermint air Twilight ushers an extended shadow Far larger than life Chase after the facsimile Extended beyond man’s reach cast upon fences, and embankment Over azure solid ice pond A peeping crack Bubble eyes dawdle underneath Skating for… Continue reading Walkabout


Trodding along      A snow, ice ridden path       Past revealed tuffs of blonde grass          Mounting slopes                        Followed by descents           The Governor of the day blinds                 And exposes nocturnal secrets                  As I try to be present                   Feel the cold touch                   Of the hand of the wind And the crunch of assaulted side walks by feet                Chattering of… Continue reading Trodding


Signs Cosigns What a foretaste Seeking after illusive hidden treasure For that eureka moment Boundless rapids/ movement Into catacombs, and crypts Waiting to be exhumed Resurrect gravity Delineating boundaries and barbed wire fences Of great walls years in the making But be malleable and transparent And a dash of altruism A tablespoon of fidelity Signs… Continue reading Signs

Live/ Dream

Don't be woke eyes fluttering back into dream stasis a haze-like gloom ascending like flimsy balloon push the envelope, go postal forced to jump through hoops surrounded by hostilities dancing through life fragilities on the edge of  surrender with light footed feathers fasten all bolts and belts to make a plausible entrance do the two… Continue reading Live/ Dream

Hindsight trepidation

Hind sight trepidation but remember (one reminds self) What was etched into the past carves designs and lays brick for the paths we will soon tread daily micro crucifixions to carry transfixed day after day in the mind's eye promotes fortitude and resolute resilience but the temptation for instant gratification is only a reach and… Continue reading Hindsight trepidation


To see     Perceiving, identifying, reflecting    Then to speak    Relaying syncopated thoughts, emotions, memories, [substantial, non-vacuous] Considering the mirror [outside perception etc.]  To chance upon a diversion    Meandering in and out of conscious and subconsciousness  Knitting together dialogue [seeking for substrate]       Internalizing a web of associations [illustrating]        Formalize and creating pattern recognition      Internal dialogue, (followed by… Continue reading Perceive