dealing with the self

I think one of the hallmarks of being single is dealing with being alone lots of the time. I’ve been used to it really, being accountable to myself, a lone ranger of sorts. Many of my friends are in romantic relationships and many of those who are single are very self-preserving and self-seeking. It seems like many people who are single are perhaps always concerned about themselves and conversation always seems to move back to them. Unless if you have lots of friends, or if you keep pretty close contact with your family, I think the single life can really make you self-seeking and self-gratifying. I’m not saying all single people are like this, but it seems many people who choose to be single have a mind of their own and won’t compromise to other people. 

I think human nature tends to be cynical about other people. Most of the time we’re afraid of people, thinking people have bad temperaments, are general inhospitable and dishonest. If you went  your entire life thinking people were naturally bad, mean spirited people, then it would change how you would treat random strangers.

I’ve learned to deal with my cynical self and my fear of others by just opening up and being honest with people, knowing we all have some common humanity.

I tend to have two polarizing view of humanity, one is my incredible admiration and sympathy for humans, and the other a repelling idea that human beings are stupid and fickle beings.

We must all learn to deal with ourselves and our own limiting perspectives the best we can.


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